2005.1.17〜18Nasu and Nikko travel |
5人の交換学生にとって、生涯忘れられない良き思い出となったことでしょう For five exchange students, it will be having become lifetime recollections! |
出発前、RC会員、ホストファミリーと共に It is a set photograph in before a start, RC member, and a host family. |
バスの中でアイスクリームを! テンションが上っています! Ice cream is eaten in the bus. It tends to be excited. |
日光東照宮に到着 雪深いです It arrives in Nikko Toshogu. snow -- it is deep |
東照宮・本堂前にて It is a set photograph before Toshogu |
建物やその他、かなり興味津々で It is profoundly interesting to a building or a decoration. |
那須の立派なホテルにご満悦 Satisfied with the splendid hotel in Nasu |
「See me!」と、初の浴衣着に嬉しそう! It had the yukata on for the first time. It seems to be glad. |
習慣の違いこそあれ、一緒に大浴場に入りました Although the custom of a bath was different, it went into the large bathroom together. |
翌日、再度日光方面へ 凄い雪です On the next day, it went in the direction of Nikko once again. It is heavy snow. |
中禅寺湖にて(奥日光は積雪で行けませんでした) It is a set photograph (Okunikko was not able to go by snow coverage) in Chuzenji Lake. |
雪に大興奮 It is large-excited in snow. |
靴、靴下びしょぬれでも気にしません(笑) It does not care, even if it gets wet a pair of socks and shoes. |
雪ダルマにも興味津々、至る所でトライしました It is profoundly interesting to a snowman. It made everywhere. |
華厳の滝、雪景色ゆえ、素晴らしい贈り物に! The waterfall in Kegon. It is a photograph wonderful against the background of the snow-covered landscape. |
ウエスタン村、ショーに大爆笑 A Western village and show were seen and it laughed heartily. |
帰路、ラーメン&ギョーザに挑戦 The menu of supper is a ramen-noodles & Chinese meat dumpling. |
「もつの煮込み」はさすがに??でした "made in the internal organs of a pig " Motuni was not able to be eaten to have |
とても楽しい観光案内でした。通訳として参加いただいた、秋田さん、山崎さん、ご協力ありがとうございました。 It was very pleasant sightseeing guidance. Thank you for Mr. Akita who participated as an interpreter, Mr. Yamazaki, and cooperation. |