RI 2820District
MItsukaido Rotary Club 50th Anniversary Ceremony
50th anniversary ceremony MitsukaidoRotary Club at the hotel Shinonome(Sun)TsukubaCityMay 26,2013
記念式典実行委員会組織 Committee Organization
式典、祝宴進行、来賓名簿 Time Schedule and Guest book
2年間に及ぶ実行委員会会議の様子 Meeting over the past two years
朝刊新聞折込 創立50周年記念式典案内パンフレット@ A PDF文書に変換してあります
Newspaper inserts document                            Convertto PDF
 式典終了後の記念写真  Group photo after ceremony
 前日に準備した式典会場  The Ceremony venue of preparation the day before
午前8時から当日準備を開始 Preparing for today from 8:00am
来訪者を待つクラブ員 Club members to wait for the visitor 当日準備の式典会場  Preparation of theceremony venue
午前9時過ぎから招待者が到着しました Invitees arrived from 9:00am after
ご来賓控え室 Distinguished guests waiting room
会場席がほぼ埋まり開式を待ちます Distinguished guests the venue seats filled, wait for the opening ceremony
スタッフ、司会ともステージ左下に  To stage lower left staff, both moderator
 青木会長の点鐘 Aoki President hit the opening bell 青木清人 副実行委員長の挨拶  Greetings Kiyoto Aoki
Vice Director of the Ceremony Committee
ソングリーダー石井康弘 Song leader Yasuhiro Ishii   鈴木豊実行委員長挨拶 GreetingsYutaka Suzuki
Director of the Ceremony Committee
来訪クラブ紹介 幹事 石塚克己Secretary Katsumi Ishizuka
Introduction of visit club
青木会長のご来賓紹介そして挨拶  Aoki President Greeting and introduction of distinguished guests
パスト会長 表彰  Past President Award
代表して隅屋祐三パスト会長が謝辞  Greeting of thanks by Yuzo Sumiya Past President
 常陽銀行 水海道支店 例会場の提供者へ感謝状
Letter of appreciationtoa provider ofJoyo Bank branch Mitsukaido regular meeting place
Letter of thanksto the club secretariat staff
親子3代会員へ感謝状  Letter of appreciation
to the parent-childthree generations member
秋田政夫 記念事業委員長から記念事業の報告  Report of commemoration from Masao Akita commemorate director
Report a joint project with Toowoomba Rotary Club
野堀ガバナーへ記念事業目録贈呈 Presentation of commemorative catalog to RI2820 district Governor 
常総市、つくばみらい市へ記念事業目録贈呈  Presentation of commemorative catalog to Zoso city and Tukuba MIrai city
The awards to Volunteers in the region
ご来賓挨拶RI2820地区ガバナー 野堀喜作様 
Kisaku Nobori Governor greeting
 ご来賓挨拶スポンサークラブ 土浦RC会長 萩原英彦様 Distinguished guests greeting sponsor club presidentTsuchiuraRC HagiwaraHidehiko ご来賓挨拶 常総市長 高杉 徹様 Distinguished guests greeting JosoMayor Toru Takasugi
ご来賓挨拶 つくばみらい市長 片庭正雄様Distinguished guests greeting Tukuba Mirai Mayor Masao Kataniwa ご来賓挨拶 茨城県議会議員 神達岳志様 Distinguished guests greeting Ibarak iprefectural assemblymemberTakeshi Kandatsu
ご来賓挨拶 茨城県議会議員 飯田智男様 Distinguished guests greeting Ibaraki prefectural assemblymember Toshio Iida  ご来賓挨拶 茨城県議会議員 鈴木亮寛様 Distinguished guests greeting Ibaraki prefectural assemblymember Ryoukan Suzuki
閉会の辞 松村仁寿 副実行委員長 Greetings end Zinzyu MatsumuraVice Director of theCeremony Committee  諸事お知らせ 白井 豊 副実行委員長  Affairs News
Yutaka Sirai Vice Director of the Ceremony Committee
 開会のことば 大串 卓 副実行委員長Opening speech
Takashi OokusiVice Director of the Ceremony Committee
 青木会長 あいさつAoki President Greeting 
友好クラブあいさつ  Toowoomba Rotary Club会長 
「Friendship club Greeting」 Toowoomba Rotary Club President Shane Doyle
祝辞 RI2820地区第7分区ガバナー補佐 坂寄 惠様  Congratulations speech Seventhsub-district Assistant governor Megumi Sakayori RI2820 distric 乾杯 北村 仁パストガバナー 
Cheers Hitoshi Kitamura Past Governor
約1時間半の祝宴  Fun feast of 1 hour and 30 minutes
閉会のことば 田上秀雄 副実行委員長 そしてロータリーソング
Rotary song and Clothing Greeting HIdeo Tagami Vice Director of the Ceremony Committee
Rotary song  手に手つないで 
鈴木 豊 実行委員長 お礼の挨拶 Thanks Greetings Yutaka Suzuki Director of the Ceremony Committee
2012-2013年度 会長 青木正弘 幹事 石塚克己
Through the two and a half years to launch the50th anniversary ceremony founding Executive Committee,
       May 26,2013, we was able to have a Great success.
       Afterthis, memorial created workis left,but for now, We would like to thank that we have finished an important yeare vent.
       Thank you for your cooperation!For everyone of Mitsukaidoclub members, everyone of Ceremony Committee,
and everyone of family
       2012-2013President and Secretary

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